Paper Airplane

Paper Airplane opens the communication airways for your church members to easily invite kids and parents alike at parks and ball fields to your church.

Most families at a park will accept free good flying paper airplanes colorfully decorated with your church event advertisement.

Paper Airplane is designed to be used with the FREE download program Church Web Resource Kit by GLEAMS Co.

Your members can use Paper Airplane to ...

print airplane invitations to your church using the airVite button on the Church Web Resource Kit home page,

print airplane invitations to Calendar events to fly to children and give to parents,

print airplane invites to Sermon messages and series to toss,

customize a paper airplane to take the kids or evangelism team to the park and enjoy,

leave a private or public comment about an airplane invite using the comment button.

All paper aiplanes are printed with your advertisements and airplane folding instructions to produce an excellent flying airplane.

Paper Airplane is a great, inexpensive, craft activity for your children, youth, and/or senior adult groups
that fosters family bonding time, community involvement, church promotion, and the opportunity for your members
to share their faith in a fun, child-like manner at your local community parks.

Learn more about GLEAMS Co

To try the Paper Airplane product FREE for 30 days, Download the FREE Church Web Resource Kit, and upload it to your church website,
then access the uploaded Church Web Resource Kit in your browser and choose the Church Paper Airplane Invite resource.